Project details

Acronym: Design of an Interoperable European federated Simulation Network for critical Infrastructures
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Project: Design of an Interoperable European federated See computer simulation.
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network for critical InfraStructures
Project website:
Program: FP7
Agency: EU
Start: 01-01-08
End: 01-01-10
CIPRNet partners: Fraunhofer IAIS, ENEA, TNO

Design of an Interoperable European federated Simulation Network for critical Infrastructures
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proposes to establish the basis for a European Modelling denotes the action of designing and creating a conceptual model or a computational model or a CI model or a computer simulation. Other synonyms may apply as well.
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and See computer simulation.
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The Research Infrastructures part of the FP7 Capacities Programme supports an innovative way of conducting scientific research (referred to as e-Science) by the creation of a new environment for academic and industrial research in which virtual..
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based upon open standards to foster and support research on all aspects of critical infrastructures with a specific focus on their protection. This European The Research Infrastructures part of the FP7 Capacities Programme supports an innovative way of conducting scientific research (referred to as e-Science) by the creation of a new environment for academic and industrial research in which virtual..
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will support full cooperation of the different partners in charge for studying (inter)dependencies of critical infrastructures, while preserving the confidentiality of the proprietary knowledge embedded into the different models and See computer simulation.
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packages. Indeed for a lot of economical, political, technological and social reasons, the European critical infrastructures (CI), once isolated and autonomous, are becoming more and more coupled.

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